Pet Emergencies
Find treatment fast.
At Rockland Animal Hospital, we provide emergency service 24 hours a day for our existing clients.
During normal business hours, please call our hospital at (207) 594-5850 first and describe the emergency so that we can prepare for your pet's arrival.
After hours and on holidays, your call will be answered by our answering machine which will tell you when we will be open to see your pet or to answer your questions. If you feel your pet needs to be seen immediately, call:
Midcoast Animal Emergency Clinic
191 Camden Rd, Warren, ME 04864
P: (207) 273-1100
Pet Poison Helpline
In case of an animal intoxication, you can also call the Pet Poison Helpline: at 1-855-886-7965 or go to their website: for more information. This will provide you with 24/7 access to leading toxicology experts. There is a $65.00 per incident fee with free follow-up consultations.